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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Squatter was evicted...

so what?? The story has been splashed all over the papers and been on the television news. Chris "Gardiner" (an assumed name) layed claim to a piece of land under the Gardiner Expressway and built himself a little house. Apparently he's lived there for 8 years. Now he's pissed because his shack was torn down. I just don't get why the man believes he deserved to live tax, rent and mortgage free. I am a single mom who struggles each month to make sure all of my payments are made. I don't take hand outs and never have. Why is he so self-important to believe that he should not have to take on the responsibilities most adults do in this country?
Get a JOB! Get an apartment! Then you will have the rights of a tenant. Then complain and come to me with a sob story about your landlord. Don't steal a piece of land and expect to be treated like me. A hard working, tax paying citizen.

I'm sorry I have no sympathy for a man that has the skills to build a house out of nothing. But can't put those same skills to work on a construction site for a legitimate paycheque.


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