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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rick Fredrickson has his day in court

and as of yet, as far as I can tell, there has been no decision by the Honorable Justice Shawn Smith.

During the five day trial, as is usual in such cases, there was accusations on both sides. Although from what I have seen it appeared to be more vapid on the side of the couple that want to keep Rick's son.

The light in an otherwise nasty business of a trial, was the biological grand-mother's testimony. While there were certains aspects of her that were concerning, what she had to say about Rick was important and something that the Honorable Justice should really take to heart. She described Rick as a polite, kind, jovial and respectable person. ''I can't imagine many men in a similar situation who wouldn't have contempt. But he has never said anything untoward about my girl,'' she said.

Now if the biological grand-mother sees the good in Rick, what more can you ask for? Sure there are things in his past that the other side tried to throw at him. With the evident lying nature of both the biological mother (she again stated she did not know Rick was the father, while having repeatedly told family members he was) and her sister (who contradicted herself on numerous occasions during her testimony and conveniently had amnesia about other issues)
I would really take the biological mother's accusations with more than just a grain of salt.

To you Rick, I say this: When this is all over, and your son is where he belongs (I do so hope this comes to pass) do right by him and by us, those that support you and want so badly for you to have your chance to be a real dad. Not just a biological father. Love him and raise a good man.
And be sure that he does know his culture and where he comes from. I, myself, am of the First Nations and I believe you can give him that part of himself, with as much reverence as is deserved.

Friday, December 29, 2006

The Butcher of Baghdad Is Dead

After much time and much legal wrangling, the end is at hand for Saddam Hussein . The once much feared and loathed evil icon of our time has fallen far from his self made (with the blood of many) pedestal as a major world figure. Now he meets his maker and answers for his wrongs. I must say that it is with relief I write this. Far too many people have been hurt and murdered by his hand or his will. There are many that could say that this execution is not the right way to do things. That placing him in prison for the rest of his natural born life would have been the more appropriate way. I think not. If he had lived on there would have always been the possibility, no matter how small, that he would be broken out/freed by his supporters. A chance that I do not believe the human race could take.

I am indeed an advocate of the death penalty. Of course the ultimate punishment that man can inflict is not an issue to be taken lightly or handed out like candy on Halloween. There would of course have to be strict guidelines and eligibility requirements for such cases. In my mind Saddam fit this criteria with little effort.

We live in a world where we will put down a dog that has mauled a child. We will hunt down and kill a bear that has attacked a camper. We will gut a shark that has attacked a swimmer. Yet we allow the human monsters to live on. The difference between all those that I mentioned above is simple....humans are the only ones of this lot, that make the concious decision to do evil and inflict pain and harm. The other animals merely revert to what is in their nature. Whether it be out of a feeling of threat, a need for food or meerly to fight (a fighting nature that has been breed in to them by man).

So the human rabid monster is dead and I am relieved. Not happy per say. There is no joy in another human being's death. But there is justice and relief. Justice for the wronged and relief for those that could've have been wronged at a future time and place.